Monday, August 26, 2013

If you call on him, he will answer you

I want everyday to be a journey going upward.  Moving forward to a new destination closer and closer to God. 

When I’m trying to live up to what he wants me to be my thoughts are clearer. 

My words are kinder.

I feel a bigger love for all people.

I appreciate my family more.

I want to help others

Turning your life to God doesn’t just happen once.  It’s constant learning and changing to make your life in tune with what he wants

Recently I read a blog post by a grade school friend that gave an example of turning your life to him…
With two small children under age four and pregnant with twins she found herself alone for six months while her husband was deployed. It’s hard enough to be alone with small children being pregnant and would make it almost unbearable. 

Every day she was tired but still had all the chores and shopping ahead of her.  She did all she could to be careful, she didn’t want to go on bedrest.

At her wits end one night she kneeled in prayer and asked God to help get he through this hard time.

What happened next was amazing!

She woke up after only a few hours of sleep with a new feeling of gratitude.  She had enough energy to get everything done and she felt a new love and gratitude for her family.  She thanked God for entrusting her with her children.

When we turn to God we confess that we need him to swoop in and rescue us.  He will come and help us bear our burdens and make them feel lighter. 

Galatians 6:2 says Bear you one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Just as we are supposed to help our fellowman he will help us if we just turn to him and ask him.  If we seek strength he will supply us with enough to climb our daily mountains and do it with a smile on our face.

What burdens have you asked God to lift from your shoulders?

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