Friday, September 27, 2013

God sees your worth! Why don't you?

Recently I ran into an old friend.  She's a great outgoing girl with a great personality.  The kind of friend you would love to take on a road trip if time allowed.

She told me about how she met a man recently and how she hoped he might be someone she could join in a relationship with.  I hoped that for her too. 

You see after a few bad break ups it seemed to me that my good friend had lost her self confidence.  Instead of feeling that she was worth a good relationship she has started to display behaviors that make me wonder how much she thinks she's really worth.

But she's worth so much!  She's a kind, giving person who shares her gifts with the world.  The kind of person who brightens another persons day by smiling them at the store.

How many people do you know who don't know their worth?

In the world today there are many, but God sees each persons worth.  We are all the same to God, rich or poor, educated or not.  We are all the same in the sight of God.  He loves us and wants us all to achieve the amazing things that we deserve.

John 31:24 If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence.

Don't you think that God sees us as gold? 

We may fall to the ways of the world, we may falter and make bad decisions.  We may be at the mercy of others who treat us incorrectly.  But we can overcome these trials.

We can pray to God and ask him for strength and for kindness to love others.  People need to decide to live Christ-like lives no matter what the opposition is.  If you make this decision to follow God and not deviate from that you will feel a new kind of confidence to carry out tasks.  You will also feel confidence in the love that God has for you.

I pray for my good friend that she will know how God sees her and someday with his help she will find the relationship that she has always dreamed of.

Monday, September 16, 2013

How to have faith...

If you have faith in God and his power you can make amazing things happen in your life.  You've heard the stories before about how someone has survived against all odds. 

Someone who has been a success when all odds where against them. 

Someone who raised a lot of money for a cause when they started with just a few dollars.

What do all these people have in common?


Faith in God.  Belief that they can make a change.

How do you have unshakeable,unwavering faith to make changes in your own life or the lives of others?

1.) Believe in God: Believe that he can do all things and he has a hand in your life.  Believe in him, speak of him, believe with all your heart that he wants you to help others.  He wants you to be a success!

2.) Pray to God: Pour your heart out to him.  Morning, noon and night.  Tell him what you want to accomplish or what help you need.  Tell him that without his help you can't accomplish it, that you fully rely on him. Ask him for relief and his blessings.

3.) Put a smile on: God wants to know that you believe in him and trust him.  Don't walk around telling everyone how bad your life is.  Instead put a smile on your face and even on bad days believe they will get better.  Show God you are worthy of his blessing and the relief you are asking him for.

4.) Express Gratitude: Even though things aren't what you want right now, thank God for the blessings you do have. Look at your life and see what good things have come, God is a lot more involved then we want to believe sometimes.    If you want write down three things you are grateful for each day, look back over time and you'll be amazed at all he has done.

Have a little faith in God and amazing things can happen!  I promise you that if you take part in these faith building steps you feel more joy, have more clarity and see God work miracles in your life.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

God is perfect people are not...

I was watching a sermon for a few minutes on TV and what he said made me think.  He said when he turned his life to God he was 18 and he lost many friends because they didn't agree with his choices.  He said when he chose what church he was going to attend his picked the religion that felt like it has a special message for him at this point in time.

But after he said that he went on to say that he felt as long as you come to God there are many different ways to worship and people should not be told they are wrong in their way of worship.

His words brought the thoughts to my mind, there are many good people out there.  There are many people who feel that the way they worship is right.  They may try to tell you that your way is wrong.  People who approach religion like this are not getting God's full message.

It's not about what you do that's better than someone else it's if you make an effort each day to help others and be more like God.  No matter how you worship him the fact that you came unto God is what matters.

Not how you do it.

Embrace God, embrace the Bible and pray for the ones who judge you.

Just as this pastor said, he found the picked what he felt best fit into his own life.  Other people will have a different fit but the best thing we can do is to learn to accept each other and celebrate our differences.  Not through judging others but through love and understanding.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I thank God for the rain...

I was going to blog about sharing your message of God today but in the middle of my writing we got a freak rainstorm.

Instead of shutting the window and staying inside I opened my screen door and let my 15 month old look outside and see the rain coming down in sheets.  It was a passing cloud and I could see clear skies coming my way.

For a second I realized how grateful I am to God for the rain. 

Everything from God has a purpose and reason.  Rain is his nutrition to make things grow.  What a gift that it!

Thunder is his warning sound.

Genesis 41:56 And the famine was over all the face of the earth: And Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold until the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.

As with the story of Joseph God gave fair warning that there would be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.  He taught his people to store food for the times of famine.  He warned them, he didn't let them suffer alone.

Joseph listened to God and was able to take care of many people because he did.  Imagine how excited them people were when they finally saw the rain.

Today I'm grateful for the small things from God: rain, a few more days of sunshine, a sturdy home.

What small things are you thankful for?

Monday, September 9, 2013

With God, all things are possible...

I was at a local agricultural fair this weekend and this napkin holder was sitting on the table.

I looked at it and it warmed my heart!

We need to have little reminders of God in places that we see each day, remember when W.W.J.D was all over the place.  Yes it may have just been a fad of the time but it did something directed our thoughts.

Isn't that what's going to keep us on the right track in life?  Directing our thoughts toward God?

For example right now my kids and I have set a goal to read the whole Bible.  We have never really sat down and just read it before.  So each day before we go to bed we sit down as a family and read one chapter.  But some really busy days we forget to read.

But most of the times it's the little reminders that get us to sit down and read.  The paining of Jesus on the wall or a little napkin holder like this one.  Something small and subtle that delivers a big message that God is always with you and loves you too!

With God all things are possible!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jesus loved the little children...

Didn't he?

He called the little children to come and sit with him and he listened to their words.

God loves innocent little children just as Jesus did.  That's why he makes us have such strong feelings for our children.  But there are so many children out there who don't have loving parents.  Children who are abused or mistreated, leaving life long scars. 

I have such a passion to help those less fortunate children and doing what God has called me to do. 

God instills feelings and desires in us to help us to accomplish his goals on the earth.  He lets a light shine in us so we can make a difference in this world.  When you put together all the lights burning in so many people together amazing changes can happen.

When you feel something inside of you like I feel for little children, use it to make a difference and start something small.

Remember if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can use it to move mountains!